What do we mean by Supply Chain and Logistics?

Logistics refers to the physical movement and storage of goods.

A logistics company is a company that sells logistics services to others, for example a company that moves and/or stores goods for others. The term ‘logistics industry’ refers to the collection of logistics companies as a whole.

A supply chain is the collection of people or companies that are involved in moving materials and goods from the place where they originate to the place where they are finally consumed. Managing the supply chain involves coordinating and harmonising key activities along the supply chain, to reduce conflicts, align efforts and improve results. It involves sharing information and collaborating across companies towards common goals. This is called supply chain management.

Supply chain positions are those jobs within a company that relate to managing the company’s interactions with its supply chain, or the activities within the company that have a direct impact on its supply chain. These may include positions in procurement, production, inventory management, transportation, planning and sales.

Our comprehensive Supply Chain Career Map details many of the opportunities available within in these sectors and is accessible at the link below.

To broaden your understanding of supply chain management, why not register your interest to attend a Wayfinder Supply Chain Awareness Course.

The course is designed as a taster experience to equip participants with an understanding of key concepts and developments in supply chain management and why they matter for businesses and society.

Please register your interest by completing the contact us form.