The Australian Government and iMOVE Australia commissioned Wayfinder: Supply Chain Careers for Women, on behalf of the Infrastructure and Transport Ministers’ Meeting (ITMM), to look at the barriers to women in Australia’s transport industry and to undertake a stocktake of the initiatives currently in place to support women across all sectors of Australia’s transport industry.

In response to the findings Deakin researchers developed a list of actions found to be particularly successful in supporting women at each stage of their transport career. Every organisation has different recruitment requirements and retention challenges, but many of the actions that support women in the transport sector also apply to other sectors of the supply chain and logistics industry.

It’s time to rethink the image

The supply chain workforce is no longer a dirty unattractive profession requiring physical strength. In today’s world of big data, IoT, digital buyer-seller relationship, and robotic process automation, companies want brains not brawn!

Wayfinder undertakes research into the underrepresentation of women in supply chain roles.